Wednesday, January 28, 2009

First Snow Day of 2009!

We finally got a great, white, fluffy snow that we could play in! Brady loved it and didn't want to come inside, even when snot was running down his face and his cheeks were the color of strawberries. Lauren had to be bundled up in a bunch of her brother's old winter clothes and couldn't really move, so she pretty much hated it. The dogs had a great time playing "catch the snowball," and we all did some laps around the yard. Having kids is so fun because you get to act like a kid too :).

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Brother and sister goofing around

The best sound in the world is your kids' laughter. Of course, most of the giggles stopped right when I picked up the camera, but this is pretty cute. Brady and Lauren are really starting to love each other and play together...and fight over toys :).


It is FREEZING in St. Louis, but sometimes you just have to get outside!

Potty-training rock star!

Brady is officially going potty on the big-boy chair!
It's taken some convincing and lots of rewards (like this, Jeremy the Jet Plane--Thomas the Train's friend--that he carried around with him for a day and a half), but he is doing so great!

Look out, world, I'm crawling now!

(Note the lovely hat-hair.) Baby Lauren is on the move! She can rock back and forth on all fours, crawl backwards, and she does the army crawl (sometimes the "wounded soldier" crawl) to get wherever she wants to go. She's fast and is into everything!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


We got to visit some dear friends and finally meet baby Corbin Williams. Lauren LOVED him and kept trying to tackle him and eat his feet. He's so cute that I wanted to eat him too, but his oldest brother Alec told me that he's "not on the menu." Here is a picture of all the Jayhawk kids together...the Williams boys behaved perfectly, but the Carmichael kids were NOT having the whole "pose for a picture" thing. They are all so cute together!

The holidays are over...

We had such a great time visiting family and friends! Brady absolutely loved Christmas this year. Santa Claus even came to our house and ate cookies...Brady saw him!