I am just taking a minute to reflect on the fact that we have the most amazing friends and family in the entire universe. My mom and grandma came to take care of the kids, house and dogs while we were in the hospital and stayed until we felt ready to take on our new crazy life. Mom's even coming back in 2 weeks to help while Michael's out of town. We had our house cleaned, kids played with, meals cooked, laundry done and were able to enjoy some time bonding with baby Leah. We are so blessed and lucky to have such a fantastic support system.
A couple of months ago, my "mom" friends in St. Louis threw me a surprise diaper shower. I came home with a trunk full of diapers and a freezer full of meals...and they chipped in and got me a spa gift certificate too! Then yesterday two enormous boxes showed up on our doorstep. Inside were boxes and boxes of diapers--almost 800 of them in various sizes! My college girls (the Barbies) chipped in to make sure we had plenty of diapers in stock to welcome this little girl! Not to mention all the various gifts that have arrived (my new favorite is the "Miss February" onesie that her "Aunt" Kristin sent her). We are spoiled, blessed, and so lucky to have all of you in our lives. Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything!
Brady and Lauren definitely appreciated the huge boxes of diapers too. They were their "forts" this morning. They got to color on them and have snack time in them. They had a blast for about an hour. Of course, an hour is the longest they play with anything, and it's two cardboard boxes.
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