We just cannot believe our little Lauren is two! She had a great birthday...a birthday doughnut and tiara to start the day, her favorite pizza, cupcakes, balloons, her first American Girl doll and a visit to Chuck E.Cheese. Our little girl is such a sassy-pants. Her favorite thing to say is "NO, my do it!" (She says "my" instead of "I.") She is a beautiful, independent, smart, completely sassy little thing. She loves to count and sing her own versions of her favorite songs ("Skinkadoooooo, I yuv youuuuuu!") She is the messiest eater you've ever seen and loves to throw her food across the room and just toss her plate and cup when she's done eating. She's the dogs' favorite. Yesterday, I took her pacifier away after her nap and put it in her drawer. She said, "No, my do it!", took it out of the drawer, then put it back in the exact spot that I had put it. At a playdate at a place with trampolines, she refused to get out and let other kids have a turn, and since I had a skirt on and Leah strapped on my chest, my friends had to go chase and retrieve her for me as she stood in the farthest corner with her most mischievious little smile. She loves her little My Gym gymnastics class and is usually one of the first to run up and try every new activity. At the park, she heads straight for the biggest slide and charges straight down. We are so in love with our little Lauren and just can't wait to watch her grow up. This one will be in charge of something important someday. President Carmichael, anyone? :)